Creating change was VI’s mission from day one — and 30+ years later, we’re widely regarded as national experts in the art and science of behavior change marketing. We do this work for our clients on the daily (from tobacco cessation and highway safety to energy and water conservation), but we don’t stop there. Each year, we practice what we teach through an initiative we call 30 Days of Change, and we’re kicking off our 2023 efforts in October!
We’re taking a slightly broader approach this time, and we invite you to tag along with us as we:
- Share our own expertise, including the basic steps of behavior change
- Highlight the work (and wins!) of changemakers in other areas
- Learn new things and expand our skill set
- Make some changes ourselves — from recycling to donating blood!
A Letter From Tim Berney
Hello there!
As we prepare to kick off a new 30 Days of Change campaign, I want to take a moment to share a bit of the inspiration behind it, beginning in 2014 when VI turned 25. Let’s just say we threw the party to end all parties, so for our 30th anniversary, we asked ourselves: Do we really want to do that again, or would we rather do what we do best?
Great golfers play a lot of golf. Amazing singers drag even their most tone-deaf friends to karaoke. And the folks who insist on playing Scrabble usually win. We all tend to gravitate to the areas where we shine. For VI, that’s behavior change marketing. We’re national experts with three decades of experience, and we send our people all over the U.S. to speak at conferences. It was this epiphany, coupled with the popular belief that it takes 30 days to form a habit, that inspired the very first 30 Days of Change.
The concept has evolved over the past four years — which fits, I suppose. This year, instead of championing 30 different causes in 30 days, we’re drawing inspiration from our diverse portfolio. While it does include behavior modification work like tobacco cessation, fitness, nutrition, recycling, conservation and highway safety, we also apply our expertise to industries like travel, tech and finance. We want this year’s campaign to reflect that, so we’ll continue sharing our knowledge, but we’ll also link up with other changemakers to learn from them, highlight their wins, expand our skill set and use our platform to spread the word. That said, changing our world begins with changing ourselves, so many of us will also roll up our sleeves to practice what we teach — whether that’s donating more blood or reducing your carbon footprint!
We invite you all to come along and learn with us, to teach us a thing or two and to spark change in your own little slice of the world.
So, are you in?
Cheers to change,