Water Conservation Campaign

During the spring, the Drought Monitor showed Colorado in moderate to exceptional drought conditions. At the beginning of the year, lower-than-normal snowpack, lack of significant precipitation, and increased demand had put stress on Colorado Springs’ water supply. System-wide storage was at a near historical low of 49 percent, compared to a normal storage of 65 percent. Conditions were forecasted to continue for an extended period, and Colorado Springs Utilities activated a drought response team. Utilities worked under the expectation that the community would be under water restrictions beginning April 1 and ending October 1. Restrictions voted on by Colorado Springs Utilities and City Council limited residents totwo days a week outdoor watering restrictions and fines for customers who over-watered. Because water is avalued and limited resource, Colorado Springs Utilities had a responsibility to educate and inform customers onthe importance of using water wisely. The intelligent use of water could help community members act as conscientious stewards of this resource as we rebuilt our water supply.
Save 5.8 million gallons of water.
Map Change
According to research, children strongly support social issues they can understand. And they pressure adults to support important issues. Could kids be our secret super weapon?

We developed and deployed a robust mix of tactics, including:
- Community Events
- Demonstrations
- Community Partnerships & Influencers
- Paid Advertising
- Social Engagement
- B2B Outreach
- Director Customer Communication
- Policy Change
- Media Relations
- Fun Educational Materials for School Kids

The city saved 5.8 billion gallons of water six weeks ahead of schedule. A total of 7 billion gallons of water was saved and improved Customer Satisfaction scores via JD Powers and Associates.